Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Carrying out my GAME plan

This week when reviewing my GAME plan, I looked at the things that I have to do to carry out my GAME plan. I looked at the goals that I set out, and tried to look at the resources that I need to carry out my plan, looked at the information that I will need to carry out my plan, and I began to think about the things that I have begun to do already to carry out my GAME plan. I think that I will have to first do a good amount of research to learn how to use some new technologies in the classroom. I will first have to decide the tools that I will want to use in the classroom. Once I have decided the tools I want to use, I am going to have to search on the Internet to figure out how to use the tools, and I am going to have to look for ways to use this tool in a lesson. More importantly, I will have to talk to the technology department in our school to figure out how to use this in my class, and then I will talk to other colleagues for ideas on how to use this tool in the classroom. Once I figure out the tools that I will use in class and how to use them, I will then have to talk to other colleagues to brainstorm ideas of lessons where I could use these new tools. More importantly, I would want to talk to colleagues who have done some inquiry based projects where they used problem solving skills in the lesson. By doing this, I feel that I will come up with enough ideas to be able to develop a lesson that will get my students to use the 21st century skills that will help them in the future. I feel that I have had problems developing these types of lessons in the past because I have never seen these types of activities in the past. Many of my fellow colleagues have began to use these types of activities in their classes, and many of them can help me game plan the lesson, and many of them can show me things to look out for and make suggestions to make my lesson work in my classroom. This is the major thing that I have done for my GAME plan so far. I have some really good teachers in my building, and many of them have shared ideas with me, or some teachers in my department have let me use their lessons in my class, and from doing these, I have finally been able to get an idea of how to run some of these 21st century skills lesson, and I have gotten ideas of lessons I would like to do in the future. I would like to have other teachers sit in on one of these lessons, or team teach with a teacher on one of these lessons, so I can get some instant feedback and evaluations on the lesson and make the adaptations necessary to make this lesson a success.


  1. As you research, don't forget to go to sites such as Amazon, CNET and BestBuy. I know it seems strange, but these sites have user reviews on them that can be filled with tips and tricks. They also describe real world experience with the products.

  2. In the high school I was in prior to now, we had a living curriculum map that evolved with each lesson a teacher taught. It was great! It provided links lessons being implemented all over our school, unit plans, places to ask questions etc. I have found that many times I can’t even get to the other side of my building for weeks at a time and this tool was certainly helpful. The work on the front side was massive, but I don’t think that anyone would change it now that it is up and running.
